Monday, August 28, 2006

Trust the Turn a Blind Eye to the Hezbollah

If you didn't catch this over at Hot Air, you need to read the post about the Hezbollah building a bunker, within 20 yards of a UN post!
...Sky News went into a Hezbollah bunker along with the IDF. The scale of construction on this particular bunker/tunnel complex is immense. The reporter notes that it had a sense of permanence about it–the walls were painted, there was a kitchen and what the IDF says were bomb-making materials. And the whole complex was within a couple hundred yards of a UN post. And there’s another smaller bunker within about 20 yards of a UN post.

I would say it’s unbelievable, but we all know that that just isn’t the case. The UN watching while terrorists dig in is all too believable.

It is believable that the anti-Israel UN would turn a blind eye to terrorists building a bunker next them, and then whine when Israel bomb UN posts. This is just another great example of how the "...equal rights...of nations large and small..." is a crock of bovine excretement. The UN needs to amend their charter to read "...equal rights...of Terrorist nations large and small (except Israel)...".

Mr Minority


Blogger Pavel said...

There are good posters and bumper stickers here
You can find more regarding alternatives to the UN.

11:46 AM  
Blogger Stan said...

"Imagine a world body where the principle qualifications for membership are freedom and a respect for human rights, where resolutions amount to more than empty talk - and where a nation's true importance mattered more than its self-importance (hello, India - adieu, France)."

I like the idea of such qualifications, which suggest better cooperation and more control for those states sharing similar and better views on freedom. However, I lack optimisim that there can be a successful Internatinal body comparable to the UN in size and supposed authority composed of sovereign states united in a horizontal-authority framework.

Sure it would likely be better assuming it can be done and exercised efficiently, but not by much should dissent arise.

12:30 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Mr. M... surely, UN boys were following Sun Tsu(sp), keep your friends close... UN is a disgrace. That one US dollar goes to fund it is reprehensible. If we had a group of nations who actually supported each other, the number would be around 10 +/- one on any given day. What would we have Britain, India, Japan, US, Australia, Italy..... are there ten?

4:35 AM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Mr. M... surely, UN boys were following Sun Tsu(sp), keep your friends close... UN is a disgrace. That one US dollar goes to fund it is reprehensible. If we had a group of nations who actually supported each other, the number would be around 10 +/- one on any given day. What would we have Britain, India, Japan, US, Australia, Italy..... are there ten?

4:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:00 AM  

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