Monday, September 04, 2006

UN Influences in US Land Use

I'm a firm believer in the founding documents of the United States, and therefore I'm a firm advocate for either the dissolution of the UN, or failing that a US withdrawal from it. The goals of the UN are set fundamentally against the freedoms held sacred by these United States and our way of life. The influence of the global organisation would explain many abuses of liberty, one of which is those relating to property rights which are being stripped by the courts and have been eroding for quite a while.

I'm sure you'd wonder why I believe the UN is responsible for the deterioration of liberties in the US. I don't believe that it is solely responsible, that would be stating way too much. But I do believe that it is a contributing factor...and a major influence in the effort to strip US citisens of their rights. If you look closely at resolutions and conventions held by the UN and then looked at public policy in the United States, it will make you sick.

The UN started making noises which sounded much like socialim or communism way back in the 1970s. It's official policy was laid out in The United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat 1). The preamble to Item 10 reads:
"Land...cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole. Public control of land use is therefore indispensable...."
Recommendations endorsed by this document for member nations include:

* Population distribution (a1)
* Public Ownership and Survellance of the Land (d1) (to ensure environmental safety and equitable distribution of benefits)
* The use of zoning, the creation of land reserves, and legal controls to control the use of land (d2)
* Controlling the profits and wealth derived from land via methods including "recapture" (d3)
* Public control of "development rights" of land (d5)

The Federal Land Use Planning Act, which would have codified these ideas in US law, did not pass Congress in the 1970s. But this did not mean that the influence was silenced...NGOs such as the Sierra Club and Planned Parenthood lobbied for these policies at all levels and there were successes. Florida and Oregon stepped in time right away, many other states were less than thrilled and thus it took a wee bit more to get the whole of the US to follow the party line.

The UN therefore changed it's strategy to a non direct approach and began collaborating with the IUCN, The WRI and the World Wide Fund for Nature (who would dare stand against the little animals?) and focused attention on biodiversity and global warming propaganda. We had the UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 which produced the same plan of action as the 1976 paper, but it was a tad more palletable for sheep to swallow.
"Land is normally defined as a physical entity in terms of its topography and spatial nature; a broader integrative view also includes natural resources: the solid, minerals, water and biota that the land comprises. Expanding human requirements and economic activities are placing ever increasing pressures on land resources, creating competition and conflicts and resulting in suboptimal use of both land and land resources. It is now essential to resolve these conflicts and move towards more effective and efficient use of land and its natural resources. Opportunities to allocate land to different uses arise in the course of major settlement or development projects or in a sequential fashion as land becomes available on the market. This provides assign protected status for conservation of biological diversity or critical ecological services." (Section 2, chapter 10, pg 84)
Between 1976 and 1992 strategies for controlling land and how it is used were refined to be subtle, and therefore were much more successful. It sounds palletable to even those who believe in local government control of things...Policy concerning land use was to be made at "the lowest level of public authority consistent with effective action and a locally driven approach." This does not mean elected officials, it means "stakeholder councils" or other bodies of "civil society" (ie lackeys of the UN and NGOs).

The US Constitution and our founders believed that the individual has the right to determine the use of his land and to reap the benefits of that use if it is profitable. It's a fundamental right given by God and protected by the government, supposedly. In opposition to that, the UN does not believe that the land owner has the right to say how his land is used. He has to justify that use and it has to be for the "common good" as percieved by some globalist agenda. This is why I originally stated that the goals of the UN were diametrically opposed to our inalienable rights and therefore we need to either get rid of the UN or leave it to the rest of the globalists to fight over.

Unfortunately citisens of these United States have no clue that their land rights are being eroded and controlled by a United Nations agenda which seeks to control the way land is used all over the world. To most, the UN is a food and aid distributer which periodically and ineptly attempts to keep the peace between warring nations and costs too much money. If people would only see the UN for what it is...a monster greedy for control over our lives, our land and...well...everything. And we thought the USSR was a threat....

Lady Raven

Of course if you think I'm just blowing smoke out my arse, investigate this yourself. You can view the Quotes cited in this rant in the following documents "Report of Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements" Vancouver, 31 May-11 Jun 1976...and "Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action from Rio" You can get information on how to obtain copies of said documents from the UN, Ny NY 10017. You may also wish to check out "The Global Biodiversity Assessment" Cambridge University Press, ISBN No. 564316..."Sustainable America: A New Consensus" US GPO; Mail Stop SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9328, ISBN No. 0-16-048529-0.


Blogger Lady Raven said...

heh, it's even worse than I posted. We have an executive order supporting it. Why am I not suprised?

11:06 AM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Lady Raven, just read it all. How do we get this info out? I know "my" property is really owned by the city to use as they wish, eminent domain, etc. Had no idea the UN "owns" it. What a great fraud! We buy the property, pay taxes on it forever, and our government essentially gives the UN ultimate control.

Sorry for the language. But @#$##%%

7:18 PM  
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