UN Rights of the Child TREATY must be stopped
The purpose of this post is to link you to a post by WatchDog: Congress is attempting to take your parental rights away!
We have been hearing and fighting for years the attempts of the United Nations to push its camel's nose under the tent of the sovereignty of the United States of America. Nothing new on that but..
There seems to be a feeling of victory, a euphoria of power, churning in the Marxist-left of America's power elites that we have the votes, we have the power, and the time is now. Recall Hillary's It takes a village; and Obama's belief in the collective over the rights of the individual.
In WatchDog's first paragraph these words ring out: "The Obama administration is poised to adopt the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child."
This is a treaty pushed by the Obama administration, vehemently supported by Secretary of State Hillary CLINTON - a leading advocate and Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) who, according to WatchDog, vows the treaty will be ratified.
WatchDog's post delineates the parental rights and authority you will no longer have regarding your own children and their well-being.
Like so many initiatives that are swirling around us in these first 100 days, just like Obama's G-20 agreement to allow our banking practices to be evaluated by foreign sources, this "treaty" is just one more Draconian nail that is intended to be driven through the heart of America's national sovereignty.